Meet The Founder
Founder, Technician, Visionary
My first passion has always been technology. I have always believed that with the responsible application of technology, humanity can solve almost any problem. This belief in the power of technology has been the central driving force behind me that led me to found Dragon Sight Technical Services.
From the time I was a young child, I loved to tinker and explore every piece of technology I could get my hands on. I learned through doing. I learned through experimentation. I learned how to boot into Safe Mode at the young age of 6. I taught myself to type at the age of 7. At 13, I took an old computer and wiped it clean to install and explore other operating systems. I spent hours working to create solutions to problems that I didn’t have but, I knew they existed for others; so, I kept working.
Now, after all these years, my passion runs as strong as it ever has. The fascinations that fueled my insatiable desire to learn and study, I now use in solving the problems other people bring to me. In my view, it is imperative that people feel welcomed and allowed to talk about their problems and issues without fear of judgment. The dreaded question of “what did you do?” has soured many relationships between technician and customer.
The arrogance I mention above is a large part of my motivation in founding Dragon Sight Technical Services. I’ve always been disgusted by how many people in the technology industry come across as condescending, rude, and arrogant. I do not approve, nor do I endorse such behavior. My goal is to make you feel like you can understand what’s going on, even if you don’t have the same level of knowledge as I do.
My personal and professional goal here at Dragon Sight Technical Services is to provide quality service without arrogance or judgment. No matter what the problem is, I hope you will give us a call and ask what we can do for you.
Know my promise: we will address every problem with the same level of devotion we would use if it were our own.
– Lucian Nightwalker
Founder & President
Founder, Technician, Visionary
My first passion has always been technology. I have always believed that with the responsible application of technology, humanity can solve almost any problem. This belief in the power of technology has been the central driving force behind me that led me to found Dragon Sight Technical Services.
From the time I was a young child, I loved to tinker and explore every piece of technology I could get my hands on. I learned through doing. I learned through experimentation. I learned how to boot into Safe Mode at the young age of 6. I taught myself to type at the age of 7. At 13, I took an old computer and wiped it clean to install and explore other operating systems. I spent hours working to create solutions to problems that I didn’t have but, I knew they existed for others; so, I kept working.
Now, after all these years, my passion runs as strong as it ever has. The fascinations that fueled my insatiable desire to learn and study, I now use in solving the problems other people bring to me. In my view, it is imperative that people feel welcomed and allowed to talk about their problems and issues without fear of judgment. The dreaded question of “what did you do?” has soured many relationships between technician and customer.
The arrogance I mention above is a large part of my motivation in founding Dragon Sight Technical Services. I’ve always been disgusted by how many people in the technology industry come across as condescending, rude, and arrogant. I do not approve, nor do I endorse such behavior. My goal is to make you feel like you can understand what’s going on, even if you don’t have the same level of knowledge as I do.
My personal and professional goal here at Dragon Sight Technical Services is to provide quality service without arrogance or judgment. No matter what the problem is, I hope you will give us a call and ask what we can do for you.
Know my promise: we will address every problem with the same level of devotion we would use if it were our own.
– Lucian Nightwalker
Founder & President